The lifeblood for any Real Estate agent is to meet new people, and there’s no better way than at Toronto’s Park and Bark Dog Show and Outdoor Market held last Saturday in the Yonge and Davisville neighbourhood. I invited Karen Weiler, Principal Photographer for Posh Pets Photography to join me for mini dog photoshoots. Guests were given the chance to take a professional picture with their Pooch for a nominal cost of $10 per session. All proceeds benefit the Toronto Humane Society.
The result was total doggy cute-fest. There were dozens of dogs walking about in their fashion finery with proud pet parents in tow.
Like many of us, I share a deep love for dogs and I am fortunate to experience their unconditional love every day. My dog Leo has become an irreplaceable member of our family. He is the loving protector of his human sisters Lauren and and Emma.
With so many Toronto households now sharing space with their beloved dogs, adding a dog wash station to your laundry, mudroom or garage is a fantastic way to add value and differentiate your property when listing it for sale.
Thinking of Buying or Selling?
It is one of the most important decisions you will ever make, and I hope that when you’re ready to buy a home or sell the one you have, you will let me join you on that journey.